
General orders number 3
General orders number 3

To repeat all calls from posts more distant from the guard house than my own5. To report all violations of orders I am instructed to enforce To walk my post in a military manner, keeping always on the alert and observing everything that takes place within sight or hearing To take charge of this post and all government property in view General sentry orders for the Navy and Coast Guard instruct sailors: Navy and Coast Guard General Orders of the Sentry Related: Veteran Career Advice: Making a Transition to Civilian Life General orders for different military branches U.S. Maintain order and organization among all recruits Prevent accidents and safeguard lives and property You must report any violations or incidents that happen during your sentry duty. Traini you to be alert always, including during adverse events and emergencies General orders are important for several reasons, including that they: Related: Commissioned vs Non-Commissioned Officer: What's the Difference? Why is it important to learn general orders? Army and Air Force use three general orders, although these are a condensed form of the rules found in other services. military, only the Navy, Coast Guard and Marine Corps use the 11 general order version. While the general orders apply to all the armed forces of the U.S. This demonstrates their ability to take proper action in a fast-changing martial environment. Recruits are expected to memorize the general orders during basic training or “boot camp.” Drill instructors and commanding officers expect recruits to be able to recite any part of the general orders verbatim and on command. General orders are essential guard duties for all branches of the military but differ from special orders that superiors may issue for specific guard duties. They describe the proper conduct of a sentry while on duty in every possible operational scenario. Armed Forces and provide guards-including sentries and officers-a set of specific rules and guidelines. General orders are the set of rules guiding sentry duty in the U.S. Related: What are the Branches of the US Military? What are general orders? In this article, we discuss the general orders for different military branches and the importance of learning the rules. All recruits must learn these orders to perform their sentry duties without issues.


Commonly known as the "11 General Orders," these directives contain every possible scenario a sentry might encounter on duty and how to ensure their safety and that of others.

general orders number 3

The general orders of a sentry are important rules that guide those on guard duty in the United States Armed Forces.

General orders number 3